Departments parameter

Departments - General ledger department(s)


Many  Logicim XLGL  worksheet functions have a Departments parameter.

This parameter can be utilized to specify which department(s) are to be utilized in the calculation.

This article describes the different ways you can utilize this parameter.

Sage 50 US Edition Sage 50 US edition

The department corresponds to the ending part of a GL Account. It can be a single segment, multiple segment or only part of a segment. You can specify the department(s) using the following methods:

  1. The ending part of an account number, or the complete account number Ex: 40100 or 100 (any account ending with 100)
  2. Account name Ex: Account Receivable (It is recommended to avoid this and utilize the account number instead.)
  3. Comma-separated list of account numbers Ex: 40100, 40200, 40400
  4. A range of accounts using a colon Ex: 40100:40400
  5. Wildcards using '?' Ex: 40??? (wildcards can be used in comma-separated lists and ranges as well)
  6. Combination of the previous methods Ex: 40100, 40400:40800, 42???

It is also possible to create an exclude list by using '\' (backslash) and then another set of accounts to remove from the original list. For example, to get all accounts between 40000 and 45000, except 41000 and 42000: 40000-45000\41000, 42000

Note that all the account number rules are applied to the end of the account number.

Sage 50 Canadian Edition Sage 50 Canadian edition

You can specify the department(s) using the following methods:

  1. Department number Ex: 0001
  2. Department name Ex: Sales (It is recommended to avoid this and utilize account number instead.)
  3. Comma-separated list of department numbers Ex: 0001, 0002, 0004
  4. A range of departments using a dash Ex: 0001-0004
  5. Combination of the previous two methods Ex: 0001, 0003-0004, 0006

Edited: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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